The meaninglessness of it all

The more I think about life, the more I think it’s full of contradictions. When I say this, the response I usually get is

Life isn’t just black and white. You’ve got to try and find a balance.

i.e. you have to try and find a balance between blatantly contradictory positions. The one on my mind today is how meaningless yet meaningful we all are.

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Maybe one day…

As 2016 began, I had a little hope that perhaps, by the end of the year, I would be able to say bye-bye to my depression for good.

As 2016 progressed, that hope grew stronger.

As 2016 draws to a close, I can safely say that depression is going nowhere from me just yet. These last few weeks have been some of the worst.

Maybe one day, I will be able to leave depression aside. But that day isn’t today.

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